Who We Are
Seoul Urban Solutions Agency (SUSA) is a dedicated entity to share and provide integrated urban solutions to cities in need of Seoul’s experience to grow into smart, livable, environmentally and economically sustainable urban domain. It was established in 2015 by Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) under the umbrella of SH Corporation*, a public company fully financed by SMG for balanced urban development.
SUSA actively engages public, private and international sources to fulfill its mission of supporting the provision of urban development solutions for foreign cities, and generating economic opportunities for Korean private sector.

What We Do
From solving your city's problems to providing technical master planning and evaluation, SUSA handles urban solutions with public and private sectors. Through Sharing our own policy knowledge and expertises, SUSA would help your country to expend development competencies as well as to strengthen our sustainability
Overseas Project Process

Areas We Work In
Seoul has smart green urban solutions with the focus in the following areas :

Services We Provide
- Study Visits
- Training Programs
- Advisory/Consulting Services and Project Implementation
- Public-Private Partnership Project
How We Work
With Seoul's policy prowess as the driver in building a city of Seoul's caliber, we will engage Seoul's competencies by utilizing public sector capabilities with business solutions. SUSA’s aim is to bring an integrated solution by marrying government/citizen-led policy package with hard and software solutions of the private businesses.
The policy package will outline Seoul’s policies and urban development practices that brought viable solutions to the problems that the city faced. The business solutions, on the other hand, will bring policies to life in the form of infrastructure, facilities and IT systems among others. The result will be increase in quality of life for city dwellers with increased citizen safety, reduced commute time, cleaner air, cleaner tap water, more green spaces, affordable housing, etc.
The solutions package may come in a variety of forms, including knowledge sharing, consultation, business and financial solutions, and training based on the needs of the destination cities.

Mission Focused Multi-sectoral Approach
SUSA works as the agent that bridges various players with keen understanding of the role and stake each party has in accomplishing the mission.

Seoul Urban Solutions Agency
- Address : 서울시 종로구 종로 38 서울글로벌센터 13층
- Tel : +82-2-734-3456
- Fax : +82-2-739-3456
- e-mail : overseas@i-sh.co.kr
- Website : http://www.susa.or.kr/