Look around Seoul
Districts of Seoul
The Seoul city covers 0.28% of the entire peninsula (or 0.61% of South Korea), and spans an area of 30.30 km north-to-south and 34.78 km west-to-east. The Hangang (River) flows horizontally across Seoul, dividing the city into two sections lying north and south of the river.
There are 25 autonomous "gu" districts in Seoul, divided into 426 administrative "dong" sub-units in Seoul. Each "gu" is a basic local government unit that takes care of it's assigned affairs and autonomous duties. The "gu" provides administrative services that are closely related to the lives of citizens.
Statistic of Seoul's Population (2024)
Total Population(Q3 2024)
9,605,419 |
Senior Population (Q3 2024) (persons aged 65 and over) 1,803,910 |
Adolescent Population (Q3 2024) (persons ages between 9 and 24) 1,331,694 |
Old-age Dependency Ratio (Q3 2024)
26 |
Migrants into Seoul (April 2024)
100,781 |
Number of Foreigners (Q3 2024)
254,424 |
Households (2023)
4,126,973 |
Number of Births (July 2024)
3,484 |
Monthly Number of Registered Marriages (July 2024)
3,709 |
Number of Suicidal Deaths (2023)
2,163 |
Source: 통계로 본 서울 > 서울의 통계 > 통계정보 > 정보소통광장 (seoul.go.kr)
Status of Seoul
This indicates the principal data by selected sectors in Seoul.
A Day in Seoul (2022)
117 babies -
151 people
98 couples
36 couples
Movement of Population
4,568 people
Passports Issued
467 cases
Vehicle Increases
46 Vehicles
Public Transit - Bus Passengers
3,459,000 people
Public Transit - Subway Passengers
5,611,000 people
Death in Traffic Accidents
0.61 person
EMS Activity
1,701 cases
14.8 incidents
Electricity Consumed
133,668 MWh
Oil Consumed
92,000 barrel
Domestic Wastes Generated
9,493 tons (2018)
Building Permits Granted
28 buildings
Water Supply per Person
302 liters
Liquefied Natural Gas Consumed
11,905,000 m2