[Bangladesh_Dhaka Tribune] A good example

Date 2018-03-14 Writer ssunha

A good example

Last updated at 03:00 PM March 12, 2018


For a country like Bangladesh, newer methods for decentralization are absolutely essential.


South Korea’s capital city of Seoul is, like Dhaka, suffering from overpopulation. South Korea’s solution to this problem is simple: To develop a whole new city where the city’s administrative offices will be located.

Considering the fact that a major solution to Dhaka’s problems and, in fact, the rest of our country’s, could be solved by placing emphasis on decentralization, this is definitely an example that our government should look to emulate.

The mayor of Seoul has been kind enough to offer his administration’s help in developing a similar city for us in Bangladesh, and it would benefit us all if we take this opportunity.

Dhaka is overburdened as it is with the number of people forced to move here due to overdependence on the capital for administrative and financial support.

But long-term thinking is essential, and we need to dethrone Dhaka as the one and only hub for all of Bangladesh. And we need to do this quickly, before the capital’s infrastructure crumbles under the weight of the immense number of people who call this city home.

Having separate capitals for different government and administrative functions is nothing new: Malaysia and Sri Lanka have similar systems in place which ensure that too much stress is not placed on one city.

For a country like Bangladesh, newer methods for decentralization are absolutely essential. As such, a “Sejong” equivalent for Bangladesh would go a long way in easing the pressure on Dhaka.

This not only ensures that Bangladesh is benefitted economically and that our government functions more efficiently, but it also stands to drastically improve the quality of life of our citizens.