
Communication, Collaboration, Information Sharing Section : Administrative (Portal System)

Date 2015-06-26 Category E-Government Updater scaadmin
Seoul Metropolitan Government
Last Update

Background Information and Product Introduction

+ The administrative portal system plans to allow workers in Seoul Metropolitan Government quick and easy access, and ability to share rapidly, administrative information and services.
+ With single login, workers can not only access to over 170 administrative systems, but also can do a customized login to each systems, connected by business and authority
+ Searches can be done using the 30 integrated business systems and website information.
+ Seoul City and district can easily use the integrated mail system and instant messages. There are also joint bulletin boards and integrated communication tools.


• ‘Administrative Portal System’ website
A portal system that gives access right from the beginning when Seoul public officials start work. The administrative portal main page has been divided into a large GNB menu, communication area for mayor and staff, business area, announcement news area, employee communication area and private area.

• Seoul City Mobile Office



• Access to the administrative portal through single authentication
Affiliated employees can access the administration portal through single authentication by certification or ID and password. With single login, workers can not only access to over 170 administrative systems, but also do a customized login to each systems, connected by business and authority
• Integrated Search
Searches can be done using the 30 integrated business systems and website information.
• Integrated communication tools

+ Mail - Seoul City and the 25 districts have been combined into one. All members can use one convenient mail system as a means of business communication. Access from remote locations such as your home is possible. Mail for employees and citizens can have separate use.
+ Instant Messenger - Seoul organizations, departments and public officials can communicate in realtime. Video chat and essential item alerts are also possible.
+ Joint Bulletin Board - A forum to share Seoul and district business, news and family events.

- Warm Stories - thrifty marketplace, shared news
- Amusing Stories - life information, cultural events, writings, humor room, events, quizzes, surveys, club news.
- Smart Stories - administrative terms, contract regulations, shared useful information for public officials’ business

• Convenient Administration Notification
When requests for approval (approval on standby, send on standby, recepit on standby, exposure on standby, memo reports, daily log approval), received mail, e-HOJO, complaints come through, the number can be checked automatically from the portal.

Application Example and Operation Outcome

• Improved response speed by delivering business related information
• Improved work efficiency by approaching to numerous administrative systems through the portal with easily
• Active communication between staff or between Seoul City leadership and staff

Seoul Special Operations Strategy

• Menu Personalizing Function

Unlike existing unified administrative sites, users can set the configuration of the portal menu to suit their business needs. It is possible to show only required information or set items to be hidden on the front page.