[USA_Clean Technica] These 6 Unexpected Countries Are Going Renewable

Date 2016-11-28 Writer ssunha

These 6 Unexpected Countries Are Going Renewable

November 24th, 2016 by  

Originally published on The Climate Reality Project.

See more the original(Click Here)

Countries all over the world are embracing renewables as a source of affordable clean energy – even countries you might not expect.

Countries all over the world are embracing renewables as a source of affordable clean energy – even countries many associate directly with the oil, coal, and gas industries. Thanks in large part to the Paris Agreement, more world leaders than ever are recognizing the many economic benefits of cleaning up their act.

Here are six nations whose efforts to become more sustainable in a world shifting away from dirty fossil fuels in favor of clean, renewable energy may come as a bit of a surprise.

The country also announced “Vision 2030,” a 15-year plan to become less reliant on oil exports. The proposal includes replacing 14 percent of the country’s current power generating capacity with domestic solar energy.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared 2017 the “Year of the Environment,” providing a great opportunity to bring environmental issues to the Russian public’s eye to create momentum for a green technology revolution in a country that is rich with diverse renewable energy sources and has a highly skilled workforce.
South Korea has developed greatly within the last 20-30 years, particularly in the city of Seoul, where Mayor Park Won-Soon believes that locally producing renewable energy can help mitigate the climate crisis.
President Hassan Rouhani committed to adding 5,000 megawatts of renewable electricity to the country’s grid by the year 2020 – enough to power up to two million homes.
The Foundation for the Development of Electric Service has been helping to alleviate some of the stress by installing solar panels and providing clean drinking water for isolated communities that are off the nation’s electric grid.
thanks to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), the palm oil industry is being revolutionized.


The Road Forward

Where there’s a will there’s a way, and these six unexpected countries are proving that.

Do you want to learn more about the potential for solutions and change among many of the world’s other major emitters? Join former US Vice President Al Gore on December 5-6 for the global broadcast event 24 Hours of Reality: The Road Forward as we bring the planet together to fight the climate crisis and make a brighter future a reality.