Seoul Solution promotes successful urban development policies

Date 2021-02-25 Writer scaadmin

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, many events are being held virtually rather than offline.

To keep up with the changing trends, Seoul Solution, a platform to share the city government's urban development policies and experiences, has undergone renovation to improve some of its function, according to the Seoul Metropolitan Government.

Seoul Solution was established to share the city's experience and know-how on urban development, offer information on various cities across the world, and encourage cooperation between the public and private sectors on urban development.

According to the Seoul Metropolitan Government, a new function that lets users experience virtual meetings through the website has been added. In addition, the design of the main page has also been improved by utilizing icons and the search function was enhanced by adding shortcuts.

Users can see Seoul's relevant policies in major areas including transportation, water supply, urban railway, urban planning, environment and housing. Among them, 217 policies and case studies are available in English.

Along with the pandemic, the website added a function through which visitors can have a webinar as well as a section where cities can share their policies. It also offers information about Korea's quarantine efforts which have been recognized globally.

"We plan to update the website continuously and periodically by adding new content on the city government's coronavirus response," said an official of the city's International Relations Division.

The website also gives advice and tools to other rapidly growing cities for achieving urban development in a more sustainable way.

It also introduced changing policies of Seoul according to its development stages that cities in developing countries can refer to in solving similar problems according to their own unique conditions.

The website also provides information and services on overseas cities to help domestic companies seeking global expansion. Citizens can check information for projects related to urban infrastructure and pending issues of cities in other countries.

"Through this upgrade, we expect that Seoul Solution will be expanded to a policy-sharing platform that allows interactive communication," the official said.

Visit for more information.

Published by The Korea Times