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MaGok Business Center
MaGok Business Center


  • Site Name : Magog business tube (formerly Magog Public Relations Hall )
  • Establishment Year 2009.
  • Location: Seoul Gangseo Airport 169 ( Line 5 Magok Station )
  • Size: 3 floors, 977 square meters building area, 2,033 square meters gross floor area
  • Management : SH Corporation Magog business processing


  • The purpose of the center is to provide information to the public regarding Magog urban development projects
    The campus is also the site of public relations, marketing for apartment buildings and land, as well as sales, and investment consulting business support
    Investment consultation and description of investment promotions as well as a field service support office with a focus on attracting enterprises domestically and internationally.


3rd floor ( Business center on-site and one-stop support center )

  • -This floor provides an intergrated service by WRAP, a centralized Seoul Gangseo and a SH authority complaint window.
    -An opened and operating visiting counsel room
    -A multipurpose venue for various events to attract companies, consultation condominiums, and investment briefings
    -There is also a viewing room that can display various display panels of Magok district models, land use planning maps, and district distinctions, all exhibits in a variety of detailed business descriptions

3rd floor ( terrace observatory )

  • -The observation deck has telescopes installed at various points to allow for the view of the north site project
    -Each observation stations is accompanied by a description depending on the direction of the telescope to inform the viewer of various information such as purchase sites and the current state of infrastructure construction

1, 2F (Model house, condominium office )

  • -The first two floors provide space of guest to experience the internal space of a model house
    -The estate planning and housing offices are located there as well as the contents of the eco-friendly housing design
    -The offices are also there to provide sales information as well as other details of the residential complex
    -The officers consist of 10 full time staffers including professional counselors to guide the sale of an apartment building


One of the first major yet simple effects was the establishment of a headquarters like base for the Magok district to handle marketing, public relations position information, and to increase the awareness of Magog in the central business district of Magok.  Other effects include the activation of investment businesses, including commercial paper and industrial complex on-site business support.  This allowed for easy access to site management in terms of consultations with investment interest companies.  Fielder works were also given a integrated one-stop location where they could consult investments efficiently and rapidly resolve complaints.  The installation of office and condominium model houses as samples improved the overall rate of the condominium apartment building.