Subway Technical Control Center


- Site Name : Technical Control Center
- Establishment Year : 2010
- Location: 346, Seongdong as Cheonho
- Site Scale : 217 ㎡
- Organization : Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation
In the past the functions of different operations were distributed over the city. Signaling, power, communication, consumer electronics, tunneling, and PSD controls were operated a different locations throughout the city. This made the overall operation of the urban rail different, as real-time operating information was difficult to share with all the different stations. In particular, rapid measures to comprehend the status of field service failures were the basis of the difficulties. The end of a integrated field study results in the development of a unified user interface that allowed for the sharing of relevant information in real-time in various fields of technology.
S CAMS control screen Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Lines 5, 6, 7, 8 are equipped with Line 157 being over 162km from selected stations with all the amenities of the city. Monitoring and equipment control at a glace is capable with the installed control screens. The conditions are automatically recorded and listen into the daily manifestoin. |
Seoul Subway Line 7, which is part of the Cheongdam Bridge, tracks the status of the subway trains by way of remote control screens. These controls allow for the monitoring of real-time information regarding track stretching, temperature, and vibrations while at the same time record information and replay them at any desired position.
Remote control Substations, which are dispersed allow the subway lines, are equipped with remote monitoring function rooms that can remotely observe as well as control. These substations are capable of controlling screen image noise and quality as well as even room temperature, all in real-time.
By unifying the different technologies into a central stations to monitor and control subway lines, the city can focus on real-time information monitoring as well as the sharing of integrated data to prevent failures and allow for a rapid and efficiently running subway system.