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서울연구원 영문 홍보브로슈어(SI Brochure - English)

등록일 2024-12-17 글쓴이 seoulsolution
Founded in 1992, with funds provided by the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG), as the Seoul Development Institute and renamed the Seoul Institute (SI) in 2012, the institute is a research organization based in Seoul and focuses on comprehensive urban policy. The SI’s research spans a wide array of areas, including urban planning & design, transportation, the environment, energy, administration & local f inance, economic & industrial development, welfare, culture, urban information, and safety·disaster preparedness. We have produced high-quality, evidence-based public policy recommendations for the municipality of Seoul.

With a vast pool of research talent, we are committed to carrying out ground-breaking research in myriad fields and identify a future vision and policy agenda for the city. Moreover, we will continue to improve the SMG’s ability to proactively navigate risks and opportunities by influencing its policy and decision-making through pioneering, fact based research and analysis.