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Seoul Creates Studio for Video Meetings

등록일 2020-09-21 글쓴이 seoulsolution

The Seoul Metropolitan Government created and will be operating Seoul On creates-studio-logo , a video meeting studio for various untact events such as international conferences in the COVID-19 era with minimized face-to-face contact, in Taepyeong Hall in the basement of the Seoul Citizens Hall.Starting with the “2020 Social Dialogue about Peaceful Unification Achieved by the Citizens” on September 19 (Sat.), a total of 47 events, including conferences, concerts, debates, and exhibitions, will be taking place almost every day at the studio.The SMG has plans to conduct business and hold events as normal while complying with the disinfection/prevention guidelines by transforming various events that may not be allowed to be held due to COVID-19 in the second half of the year into untact ones, as well as continue to communicate with citizens. Using the exclusive infrastructure, there may also be cost-saving effects.After attracting attention from overseas and domestic cities and institutions by successfully hosting the CAC Global Summit 2020 in June on an untact basis without an on-site audience, the SMG aims to lead the renovation of digital administration in the post-coronavirus age by introducing the exclusive, permanent space for untact events.

※ Major Events at Seoul On in the Second Half of 2020

Seoul On will be operated on a trial basis in Seoul Citizens Hall until December and moved to DDP (Dongdaemun Design Plaza) to be available not only to the SMG but also to private companies.

With the trial operation starting on September 19, Seoul On was established with a size of 12m (width) x 7m (length) in the form of a semicircle (oval) in Taepyeong Hall (348.06㎡) of Seoul Citizens Hall.

The broadcasting studio is highly functional as it is equipped with a large LED screen (width 33m x height 5m) covering all of the walls and floor as well as cutting-edge technologies for lighting, sound, and the broadcast system.

The name of Seoul On and its BI (brand identity)  were decided as they are to signify that our hearts and sincerity are still “on” even while events are being held on an untact basis.