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Seoul City Announces “2019 Changing Seoul Welfare”

등록일 2019-01-16 글쓴이 seoulsolution

Seoul City Announces “2019 Changing Seoul Welfare”


Seoul will lower the threshold of public support for vulnerable classes, the elderly, and the disabled and construct a solid welfare foundation with the relaxation of 2019 Seoul-Type Basic Livelihood Security for those obligated to support their families, provide expanded support for Dolbom SOS Center facilities and Seoul emergency welfare, etc.

In addition, the budget for Seoul emergency welfare has been increased dramatically from 5 billion KRW to 10 billion KRW last year, and target recipients will be expanded through relaxation of asset standards and adjustment of support standard while additional support for living expenses and adjustment of support funds for funeral and childbirth expenses are to be made to help citizens in urgent situations.

Furthermore, Seoul City aims to create 78,000 jobs for the elderly as well as socially contributive ‘boram’ jobs for the middle-aged, while providing free meals to 28,000 low-income elderly workers at the same time.

The scale of welfare for the disabled is also expected to be broadened. The ‘Lifelong Learning Center for the Developmentally Disabled’ that helps with occupational ability development and social adjustment of developmentally disabled adults will double in number from ten existing centers to a total of twenty centers this year. The voucher taxis originally in operation for the visually impaired and kidney disease patients are also to be expanded for use by all disabled persons.

□ 2019 Changing Seoul Welfare (Overview)

2019 Changing Seoul Welfare (Overview)
No. Detailed Project Contents to be Changed
1 Seoul-type Basic Livelihood Security System ○ Relaxation of standard of those obligated to support families
○ Selection criteria of recipients and 2.09% increase in allowance
2 Veterans Allowance ○ Increased support amount (increase by 50,000 KRW monthly)
– Recipients: 36,600 Korean War and Vietnam War veterans
– Details: 50,000 KRW monthly ⇨ 100,000 KRW monthly
3 Installment and operation of Dolbom SOS Center ○ Operation of Dolbom SOS Center in visiting community centers
– Speedy response to people in blind spots with the placement of Dolbom managers
– Emergency care, general care, daily convenience service support
– Enforcement of trial project from July 2019 (5 districts)
4 Seoul-type emergency welfare support system ○ Support budget increase and relaxation of support standards
– Support budget increase: 5 billion KRW in 2018 → 10 billion KRW in 2019
– Relaxation of property standards, relaxation of additional standards for living expenses
5 Jobs for the elderly and ‘boram’ jobs ○ Expansion of support recipients (addition of 8,000 individuals)
– 70,000 in 2018 ⇨ 78,000 in 2019
– Provide jobs for the elderly and middle-aged, provide opportunities for socially contributive activities
6 Meal provision for low-income elderly workers ○ Expansion of free meals for low-income elderly workers (increase of 4,000 individuals)
– 24,000 in 2018 ⇨ 28,000 in 2019
7 Operation of Lifelong Education Centers for people with developmental disabilities ○ 10 center in 2018 ⇨ 20 centers in 2019 (10 additional centers)
– Help improve occupational ability of developmentally disabled adults, help adjust to society
– 10 new centers in 2019
8 Customized public jobs for the severely disabled ○ Expansion of support recipients (472 additional individuals)
– 1,950 in 2018 ⇨ 2,422 in 2019
9 Seoul-type additional disability allowance ○ Increase in support amount (10,000 KRW increase per month)
– 30,000 KRW monthly ⇨ 40,000 KRW monthly (recipients: 29,000 individuals)
10 Operation of disabled family support center ○ 11 centers in 2018 ⇨ 19 centers in 2019 (8 additional centers)
– Selection of autonomous districts through public contest in February 2019, followed by contest for businesspersons by relevant autonomous district
11 Voucher taxis for the disabled ○ Expanded operation for all disabled persons (to begin enforcement in April 2019)
※ The visually impaired and kidney disease patients ⇨ individuals with severe mobility impairment with no need for wheelchairs
– Recipients: 4,000 in 2018 ⇨ 10,000 in 2019
– Increase of voucher taxis in operation: 8,000 in 2018 ⇨ 50,000 in 2019
