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[Seoul's News] Seoul Shares ‘Smart City’ Know-how with Manila

등록일 2018-06-28 글쓴이 ssunha

Seoul Shares ‘Smart City’ Know-how with Manila


The Seoul Metropolitan Government’s know-how in creating a ‘smart city,’ currently maintaining its status as the ‘No. 1 E-government’ in the global market since 2003, has been incorporated into the implementation of the mid-to-long term urban development planning of Manila, the capital of the Philippines boasting of a 12 million resident populace.

Seoul government officials was granted a four-day invitation from the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) to open a special forum on location in order to share in the success and operations of the Seoul Smart City paradigm from May 29 to June 1 for four days.

Discussions are set to take place for future partnerships following the introduction of Seoul’s unique paradigm itself, including the autonomous, high-speed data communication network, which currently functions as the core infrastructure of its smart city, public Wi-Fi, integrated surveillance control center and a smart cyber security system.

Seoul officials are to begin the forum by providing a briefing in regard to the creation process and operations of the Seoul’s smart city at the ‘Seoul-Manila MMDA Smart City Seminar.’ In particular, they will discuss the implementation of Seoul’s smart technology that includes features such as the high-speed data communication network (e-SeoulNet, u-SeoulNet: optical networking systems that connect Seoul with district governments and municipal offices), intelligent traffic system (ITS) and more, in order to alleviate some of the chronic issues of Manila, including traffic congestion and air pollution.

Following the seminar, officials are scheduled to visit Manila’s integrated control center to analyze the communications infrastructure and current system operations prior to discussing partnership feasibility, having compared Manila’s system with Seoul’s integrated surveillance control center, the ICT safety control tower of the city.

Talks with the MMDA chairman are expected to cover explanations as to the driving force behind Seoul’s being able to overcome the difficulties it had dealt with during the process of establishing a smart city environment while offering a hand in partnership to actively work toward alleviating Manila’s current ailments in order to help it evolve into a smart city of its own.

Officials have also placed emphasis on seeking out the opportunity to introduce the technological expertise and competitiveness of Seoul Appia Consortium (SAPCON) member corporations and the exporting of outstanding domestic ICT brands.

Source: http://english.seoul.go.kr/seoul-shares-smart-city-know-manila/?cp=2&cat=29