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[Seoul's News] Seoul citizens’ happiness level, the highest in three years

등록일 2017-06-15 글쓴이 ssunha

What is it like to live as a citizen of Seoul?

According to the results of the “Seoul Survey 2017 – Urban Policy Index Survey” announced by the Seoul Institute on June 8, 2017, an average head of household in Seoul is 48.5 years of age. In addition, the average level of education of the heads of households in Seoul is graduation from a technical college and the average household is comprised of 2.47 members. As for the monthly household income, 40.5% of households earned a monthly income between KRW 3 million and KRW 5 million.

In particular, citizens of Seoul gave 6.97 points out of 10 for their subjective level of happiness, indicating that they are relatively satisfied with their lives at the present. This score is the highest in the last five years.

In addition, citizens of Seoul gave 6.91 points out of 10 for their sense of pride about Seoul. In particular, those in the 10s and 20s gave a relatively higher score of approximately 7 points.

As for Seoul citizens’ openness to foreigners living in Seoul, “accepting foreigners as neighbors” scored the highest points (6.51) followed by “accepting foreigners as friends (6.35)” and “not accepting marriage with foreigners (5.82).”

The Seoul Survey 2017 – Urban Policy Index Survey was designed to investigate the overall changes and social aspects of Seoul, such as in terms of the quality of living, housing, economy, culture, environment, transportation, education and welfare. It was conducted for one month in October 2016 targeting 20,000 households in Seoul as well as 2,500 foreigners living in Seoul.

The Seoul Metropolitan City will publish the “Seoul Survey 2017” report containing political suggestions in December this year by analyzing the survey results in detail.

(Source: http://english.seoul.go.kr/seoul-citizens-happiness-level-highest-three-years/?cat=29)