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[Seoul's News] Seoul to Jointly Promote the Global Car Sharing Program

등록일 2017-04-03 글쓴이 ssunha

Seoul to Jointly Promote the Global Car Sharing Program

Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon is currently visiting three European cities in the order of Paris, Vienna, and London. He left on March 28 (Tues) and is expected to return on April 4 (Tues).

Earlier on March 20, 2017, Mayor Park announced that the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) will lead the Airvolution movement at a joint press conference with Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo and London Mayor Sadiq Khan held at Hotel de Ville, the City Hall building in Paris.

At the press conference, the three cities announced their joint promotion of the Global Car Scoring System, the first vehicle emissions standards in the world. The Global Car Scoring System calculates the amount of air pollution-inducing substances such as fine dust and nitrogenous compounds each market-released car model emits while driving on the road. Results are then transparently disclosed on the official website of each city with a score and grade.

The holding of the press conference was made possible through the three mayors’ strong will to improve the air quality in their respective cities. They have been focusing on implementing policies to build a sustainable city as the Chair and Vice-chairs of the C40 Cities-Climate Leadership Group. The press conference was hosted by the ‘C40 Cities-Climate Leadership Group,’ with representatives from three out of the 62 large member cities in attendance. The Mayor of Paris is the Chair and the mayors of Seoul and London are vice-chairs of C40. The C40 Cities-Climate Leadership Group, launched in 2005 to actively respond to climate change, is a council composed of large cities that are responsible for more than 80% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Based on the results of the press conference, the C40 will begin development of a standardized grade criteria for the Global Car Scoring System. London will upload data for the second half of 2017 on its website and Seoul will follow suit by disclosing the emissions information in an easy-to-understand graph format upon completion of development and review.