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[Brochure] The Seoul MICE Alliance (2015)

등록일 2016-12-01 글쓴이 ssunha
Seoul MICE Alliance Photo
The Seoul MICE Alliance (SMA),
a partnership between government agencies and private-sector organizations, was formed to enhance the city's global business events competitiveness. The Seoul MICE Alliance is operated by the city of Seoul and the Seoul Tourism Organization, with the joint aim of better promoting Seoul's meetings infrastructure and advantages to buyers around the world.

Companies participating in the SMA receive support for taking part in overseas meetings industry exhibitions, road shows, conferences and meetings of international organizations, while working closely with the city of Seoul to carry out overseas marketing activities. In addition, new promotion product packages will be created to help underpin the city's efforts to attract high-quality business events. Event planners and organizers that utilize SMA member companies receive additional benefits if they obtain public assistance in attracting, holding and promoting events.
