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[Interational Relations News] Seoul Hosts Third Most International Meetings in 2015

등록일 2016-07-06 글쓴이 ssunha
According to the 2015 International Meetings Statistics Report announced by the Union of International Associations (UIA), which officially announces the statistics of international meetings, Seoul was selected as the world’s number three city in hosting international meetings. It is an all-time high ranking for the city.

A total of 494 international meetings were held in Seoul in 2015, twice as many as in the previous year, and the goal of becoming the world’s third MICE city by 2018 has already been reached. The Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) established a master plan for developing Seoul as a MICE city in 2013, and has been highly active in developing MICE industries, for example by establishing a customized support system for different stages through analysis of an international database.

As Seoul is welcomed as a venue for MICE events, not only for international meetings but also for the recent travel incentives of fellow Asian countries, the “MICE Development Master Plan 2.0” will be established before the end of the year for expanding the MICE inducement.

The Ranking and Number of International Meetings by City & Country

Ranking City 2015 2014 Rate of change
1 Singapore 736 850 (1st) -13%
2 Brussels 665 787 (2nd) -16%




249 (5th)


4 paris 362 325 (4th) 11%
5 Vienna 308 396 (3rd) -22%